
Thursday 1 August 2019

Biotechnology Company In India

Due to the serious economic and environmental concern globally and in India on the use of fossil fuels, it becomes more important for the world to start using renewable energy sources. India comes from the largest country in the world and has amply resources for renewable sources of energy. Among the renewable energy sources, Biomass has more attention to all. It is the environment-friendly source of energy. Biotechnology Company In India are harvest and cultivate the microalgae at an industrial level which are the most promising source of biomass production. There are many companies that are indulged in this process. "Seagrass Tech Private Limited" is one of them. If you have any query, feel free to get in touch with our expert or visit our website.

Wednesday 31 July 2019

Biotechnology Company In India

To meet the increasing demand for renewable and carbon-neutral transport fuels which is necessary for environmental and economic sustainability, microalgae are the key source for the production of biodiesel.  With a much more efficient manner, algae do produce oil from sunlight. Biodiesel provides more environmental benefits, that's why this renewable resource has gained a lot of attraction. However, the main obstacle to commercialization of biodiesel is its cost and feasibility. For the production of biodiesel, grow microalgae on the industrial level is important. Though, there are many Biotechnology Company In India which is indulged in the cultivation of algae. Algae also produce beneficial coproducts such as proteins and residual biomass after oil extraction, which can be used as feed or fertilizer.

Friday 26 July 2019

Seagrass In India

In India, the major seagrass meadows exist along the southeast coast and in the lagoons of islands from Lakshadweep in the Arabian Sea to Andaman and Nicobar in the Bay of Bengal. Along with natural threats such as cyclones, and waves, for threats to seagrass in India are intensive grazing and an infestation of fungi and epiphytes, as well as "die-back" disease. Increased sediment load in the overlying waters of seagrass meadows, reduces the amount of ambient light, thus resulting in lower productivity of algae due to the decline in photosynthetic processes and increased respiration. To get more information about the seagrass and its species in India, visit our website.

Thursday 25 July 2019

Organic Dry Algae Biomass

Researchers have shown that microalgae are an important source that can be used in the production of biofuels and high-value products such as biogas and biohydrogen, fish feed, animal feed, human food supplements, skin care products, and etc. For the production of those value-added products from microalgae, it is required to cultivate and harvest it on a commercial basis. Although, the major issue in Organic Dry Algae Biomass production on an industrial scale is the dewatering step. And, harvesting is the basic issue because as a new technique is very costly. Research and studies continue to find a cost-effective technique. If you are interested to know more about algae and its uses, so you can visit our website.  

Tuesday 23 July 2019

Healthy Sustainable Planet

We are unaware of the benefits of microalgae in our life. basically, they are undervalued in society compared to the wide range of benefits that they provide globally. Algae play an important role in human existence, in both shaping and understanding the Healthy Sustainable Planet. Algae have the feature to remove CO2 from the Earth's atmosphere. Basically, along with the great source of biomass, it has a unique ability to turn light energy from the Sun into carbon-based molecules that society harnesses and uses in countless ways. They also provide other harvestable resources, such as triacylglycerols, proteins, and nutrients and can be cultivated on non-arable land. If you are interested to know more about the algae and its uses, so you can visit our website.

Seagrass In India

Because of continually increasing in greenhouse gases and depletion of Fossil fuel, globally alert the environment. As a result, researchers looking for the new promising energy-efficient renewable sources. Biomass is the pure renewable form of energy derived from the biological matter that grabbed the attention of Scientist and farmers worldwide. Studies and comprehensive research show that algae are the most promising source for the production of biofuel. So, many companies all around the world are indulged in the cultivation and harvesting of microalgae. Seagrass in India is one of them. It is a global venture that works to literate peoples about the benefits of algae in our daily life. We produce the main three type of algae in our firm. For more information, visit our website.

Friday 19 July 2019

How Marine Algae Could Help Feed The World

To alleviate the problem of world food crises, researchers are coming up with alternative foods that could change the way we eat in the future. According to researches and study, algae is a good source of high protein and oil content. In addition, microalgal, which is rich in micronutrients, is already used for dietary supplements to advance human health. If you are thinking How Marine Algae Could Help Feed The World, so you can visit the Seagrasstech.  They are one of the most promising long-term, sustainable sources of biomass and oils for fuel, food, feed, and other co-products. They can be cultivated on a commercial basis to produce a variety of products for large to small markets: plastics, chemical feedstocks, lubricants, fertilizers, and even cosmetics.